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Shoreline Restoration 

Hillside Stabilization 

Living Walls 

Storm-water Management

Storm-water  Retention & Infiltration Systems

Retention/Detention Ponds 



Weeping/French Drains 

Land Clearing & Grubbing





Magnacore grouted piles and underpinning

Magnacore grouted piles and underpinning

Foundation underpinning. High load deadmen and tiebacks for shoring walls.

Soldier pile retaining wall

Soldier pile retaining wall

Temporary shoring wall for new home construction. Wide flange beams with timber lagging.

Foundation underpinning

Foundation underpinning

High water was causing this foundation to sink. Helical piles were the perfect solution.

Temporary Shoring

Temporary Shoring

Temporary sheet pile wall installed to allow for excavation near customers home and garage.

Soldier Pile Retaining Wall

Soldier Pile Retaining Wall

piles and lagging were installed in order to build a road.

Soldier Pile Retaining wall

Soldier Pile Retaining wall

Soldier Pile Wall and Hydroseeding

Soldier Pile Wall and Hydroseeding

Erosion control, Timber retaining wall, Hillside Stabilization, Geo-fabric, Hydroseeding, land clearing and grubbing, New York Land clearing, Finger Lakes land clearing, Ithaca land clearing.

Best Management Practices

Best Management Practices

Water diversion methods, Storm water runoff, Finger Lake Watershed.

Living Retaining Wall

Living Retaining Wall

Lake Ontario Shoreline Restoration, Living Wall, Filtrexx, Natural Retaining Wall, Beach Restoration, Rochester land clearing, Webster Land Clearing, Forest Management.

Camp Demolition

Camp Demolition

Removal of structure for Finger Lakes Land Trust on a "Forever Wild" property.

 NYS DEC Certified Erosion & Sediment Control Expert on Staff! 

© 2012 All rights reserved Trident Shoreline Environmental Services

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